Thursday, August 17, 2006


This deserves posting before we leave......

Today the indoor archery range in the attic was utilized for the first time for a shooting CONTEST (we're Flataus - everything is a contest).

The stakes:
  1. If Lindy wins Aaron has to buy her ice cream at Oberweis (YUM)
  2. If Aaron wins Lindy has to buy him the beer of his choice and he gets to drink it (we've been trying not to keep any in the house since it's not fair to the expectant mother who is unable to imbibe)
The contest:
  1. 5 warm-up shots using yew and elm reflex-deflex bows and cedar crested wood arrows
  2. Best of 3 shots closest to the agreed upon mark using the same bows and arrows
What really happened:
  1. Lindy outshot Aaron on the first two shots easily winning the contest
  2. Aaron admitted that he was convinced HE would win
  3. They decided on one final shot for all the marbles.... If Aaron could outshoot Lindy he could also have his beer
  4. Aaron convincingly outshot Lindy on the third and final shot (duh, it was for beer)
  5. Shortly thereafter they drove to Oberweis and bought ice cream (two scoops of cookie dough in a chocolate & sprinkle dipped waffle cone) then went to Schnucks and bought Widmer Brothers Hefeweizen
  6. Everyone was happy and ready to leave for a little love & adventure

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