Saturday, December 09, 2006


Love those palm trees.... Why is everyone fascinated by palm trees, who doesn't live by them? Everytime I go somewhere with palm trees I have to take pictures.

December 3rd - 7th I traveled to Anaheim, California for the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) annual Mid-Year convention. It is a HUGE conference with something like 20,000 pharmacists in attendance from all over the world.

Here is a picture of our booth at the residency showcase. People interested in completing a resdiency can stop by and gather information about our program.

My boss took this picture of our group at the residency showcase. Pictured (l to r) are McKenzie (current pharmacy practice resident), Brianne (current pharmacy practice resident), Kirk (former resident and current clinical pharmacy specialist), me (former resident and current clinical staff pharmacist), and Deanna (clinical/residency coordinator and fellow NDSU grad).

Of course, the most exciting thing I saw all week was this gigantic pair of underwear hanging from the ceiling at the exhibits. This is the exhibit for a company called Health Care Logistics. They are funny!

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