Monday, April 14, 2008


I'm sure we've been the talk of the church since it looks like we beat our child....

Gabe face planted on our VERY hard floor Friday night and had a bloody nose and lots of tears!

Here's what it looked like on Saturday morning.... (It looks even worse today but I don't have a pic.)

I think his dad felt bad for him so he let him drink lots of pop.

Just kidding, only Aaron & I drink lots of pop.


Cole and Bryce said...

That looks AWESOME! Nice work dude! You are tough as nails! I've tried to take on my hardwood floors too, but I'm not nearly as hardcore as you are! You should go on World's Toughest Baby!

Heidi Jean said...

Yes we now with boys in our house too...those mean wood floors just jump out and get 'em in the face. Brenden had the whole FAT lip going on last month. I think we better just prepare ourselves for whats to come with boys. he he